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Environment Policy and Management System
Environment Policy and Management System
PAHSCO introduces ISO14001 and ISO45001 and sets up the principle of “fulfillment of our mission, strengthened communication, environment protection and continuous improvement” which is signed by the Chairman for approval and published to be our environment, safety and health policy as the basis of “Environment Planning and Management Procedure”. The committee is established and responsible for assessing and examining the regulatory identification and environment identification. The committee plans (P), does (D), checks (C) and acts (A) to promote the environment safety and health system, considers the internal and external opinions and the risks of unbearable price and makes them the top priority for improvement while building short mid and long term mitigation goals based on national GHG policies.
If there is any question, please contact
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282