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Occupational Safety and Health
Occupational Safety and Health Risk Assessment and Management
Occupational Safety and Health Risk Assessment and Management
PAHSCO takes the workplace safety and the health of employees seriously and uphold the principle of zero accident and zero disaster through precautionary measures. The staff of each unit conduct hazard identification and risk assessment in accordance with risk assessment procedures and manage hazards by level. For the hazard of level 4 or above, the management project or operational control measures are formulated and the possibility of including routine/non-routine operations and the evaluation of abnormalities are also considered. In 2023, 23 improvement projects have been completed to reduce hazards and risks to the minimum.
I. Occupational Safety and Health workers
PAHSCO improves employees’ awareness of occupational safety and health in accordance with occupational safety and health training and related regulations. We help the directors at all levels better understand the importance of occupational safety, safety observation procedure and items by using publications, meetings and internet resources while promoting safety and health concepts to employees and offer related training to help them build the awareness, attitude and concepts with an aim to prevent unsafe behaviors, reduce potential risk at workplace and lower the possibilities of occupational disasters.

II. Contractor Management
To ensure the safety and health of contractors, we provide necessary training and medical assistance and allow them to use our public facilities. Construction work involve high risk and expertise; therefore, we contract professional vendors and require them to abide by local occupational safety and health regulations and our safety and health management measures.(50 contractors carry onsite operations in our factory in 2023.)

III. Occupational Injury
We promote the zero occupational disaster activity. The frequency severity indicator (FSI) has decreased by 20% from the previous year (2022). The FSI of 2023 is ≦ 0.27 and the number of occupational incidents is ≦5. The accumulated days charged by injuries is ≦ 53 days. No occupational accident occurs in 2023 so the disabling injury frequency, severity rate and FSI is 0. The goal of the performance indicator is reached. We will keep up the good work to ensure employees’ safety and zero accidents.

I. Occupational Safety and Health workers
PAHSCO improves employees’ awareness of occupational safety and health in accordance with occupational safety and health training and related regulations. We help the directors at all levels better understand the importance of occupational safety, safety observation procedure and items by using publications, meetings and internet resources while promoting safety and health concepts to employees and offer related training to help them build the awareness, attitude and concepts with an aim to prevent unsafe behaviors, reduce potential risk at workplace and lower the possibilities of occupational disasters.

II. Contractor Management
To ensure the safety and health of contractors, we provide necessary training and medical assistance and allow them to use our public facilities. Construction work involve high risk and expertise; therefore, we contract professional vendors and require them to abide by local occupational safety and health regulations and our safety and health management measures.(50 contractors carry onsite operations in our factory in 2023.)

III. Occupational Injury
We promote the zero occupational disaster activity. The frequency severity indicator (FSI) has decreased by 20% from the previous year (2022). The FSI of 2023 is ≦ 0.27 and the number of occupational incidents is ≦5. The accumulated days charged by injuries is ≦ 53 days. No occupational accident occurs in 2023 so the disabling injury frequency, severity rate and FSI is 0. The goal of the performance indicator is reached. We will keep up the good work to ensure employees’ safety and zero accidents.

If there is any question, please contact
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282