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Occupational Safety and Health
Health workplace
PAHSCO actively creates a “friendly, healthy and safe” workplace and attempts to make the workplace family-friendly while promoting and implementing healthy lifestyle and creating ad health and happy company collectively We formulate the occuptionals safety and health plans as well as health improvement programs, manage and track the results, prevent occupational illness, promote health activities, raise employee’s awareness of their health conditions and practically provide various kinds of health service.
I. Health service
1. Detailed and comprehensive health monitoring mechanism: PAHSCO uses the detailed and comprehensive health monitoring system to manage employees’ health condition from all dimensions. There are health checks for new employees, special health checks and annual health checks and management. These health checks are helpful in discovering underlying medical conditions so that people with illness can seek for treatment and care at the early stage and the potential hazards and risks at the workplace can be found earlier to reduce the danger in the working environment. To take care of the employees and protect them from critical illness, PAHSCO arranges health checks for managers and employees for every 3 years. Besides, cancer screening is also available and consultation service and health directions are offered if necessary.
2. Health service management system: Our internal website is linked to the WE CARE system of Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The inhouse nurse will provide suitable health management measures based on the instructions of occupational health physicians on a monthly basis. (See the table below for the implementation status.) We evaluate and monitor employees’ health conditions, offer health consultation and help them build health improvement plans. Moreover, health consultation and appointment service are available to those who have higher risks. Risk assessment and case management will be provided based on the 4 dimensions of wellness: abnormal work overload (overwork), human factors, maternal health and prevention of illegal infringements in the performance of duties.
II. Workers’ Health Improvement
The health improvement strategies are made based on the annual health check results and the opinion poll of annual health activities and practically carried out through PDCA (plan-do-check-act).To allow the employees to timely receive the information of health activities, PAHSCO promote activities through safety management committee, managers’ meetings, e-brochures and webistes and attract employees to join with prize quiz.
III. Occupational Illness Prevention
To protect employees’ health and prevent occupational illness, the 2021 health service management plan is created in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Enforcement Rules, ESC008 and the results and review of the 2020 Health Service Management Plan.

1. Detailed and comprehensive health monitoring mechanism: PAHSCO uses the detailed and comprehensive health monitoring system to manage employees’ health condition from all dimensions. There are health checks for new employees, special health checks and annual health checks and management. These health checks are helpful in discovering underlying medical conditions so that people with illness can seek for treatment and care at the early stage and the potential hazards and risks at the workplace can be found earlier to reduce the danger in the working environment. To take care of the employees and protect them from critical illness, PAHSCO arranges health checks for managers and employees for every 3 years. Besides, cancer screening is also available and consultation service and health directions are offered if necessary.
2. Health service management system: Our internal website is linked to the WE CARE system of Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The inhouse nurse will provide suitable health management measures based on the instructions of occupational health physicians on a monthly basis. (See the table below for the implementation status.) We evaluate and monitor employees’ health conditions, offer health consultation and help them build health improvement plans. Moreover, health consultation and appointment service are available to those who have higher risks. Risk assessment and case management will be provided based on the 4 dimensions of wellness: abnormal work overload (overwork), human factors, maternal health and prevention of illegal infringements in the performance of duties.
The health improvement strategies are made based on the annual health check results and the opinion poll of annual health activities and practically carried out through PDCA (plan-do-check-act).To allow the employees to timely receive the information of health activities, PAHSCO promote activities through safety management committee, managers’ meetings, e-brochures and webistes and attract employees to join with prize quiz.
To protect employees’ health and prevent occupational illness, the 2021 health service management plan is created in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Enforcement Rules, ESC008 and the results and review of the 2020 Health Service Management Plan.
Assessment of work environment |
commission a third party accreditation and monitoring institution to monitor the operation environment. Hazardous chemical substances will be classified for management (sample analysis) on the basis of the findings from the analysis and monitoring result, to plan and investigate the hazardous substances being used by the Company for proper control and reduction of the exposure to the hazards of VOCs and workplace noise. |
Identification and improvement of the environment |
on-site observation is conducted in cooperation with contract-based physicians specialized in occupational medicine to identify and assess the occupational hazards at the workplace. The content of work or work hours were adjusted with design for making improvement of the work environment per the recommendation of the physicians. Subsequent corrective action has been taken with follow-up action for assuring the physical and psychological health of the employees. |
Monitoring under management system |
PAHSCO is based on ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System in managing 4 aspects of health issues: abnormal work load (overwork), human factor, maternity factor and prevention of unlawful abuses when performing the assigned duties (violence at the workplace). Assessment on high risks from occupational health-related issues and case study has been provided to the employees. Hearing protection plan for the prevention of occupational hazards, respiration protection plan, management plan for chemical substances and health management plan for the middle to old age workers. Overall assessment of risks at workplace pertinent to occupational health with corrective action plan. For employees exposed to higher risk of health, the Company provides timely health consultation and interview services. |
Training for upgrade |
organize on-the-job training/orientation for new employees to upgrade their awareness of the potential hazards at the workplace for achieving overall risk management. Necessary preventive measures and health improvement have also been taken through the aforementioned means for assuring the safety and further protection of the health of the employees. |

If there is any question, please contact
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282