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Corporate Governance
Intelligent Property Management
Intelligent Property Management
To enhance brand value, promote R&D and innovation, and deepen the awareness of intellectual property rights among the Company's personnel, so that the Company's acquisition, maintenance and use of intellectual property meet the requirements of intellectual property-related laws and regulations and avoid infringing on the rights of others, the Company has established intellectual property rights management rules that incorporate operational objectives, and regularly reports to the Board of Directors every year on the current system, improvement plans and implementation status for the current year.

If there is any question, please contact
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282
Stakeholder Contacts
Executive Assistant: Tina Wang
Tel : +886-2-2895-5050
Fax: +886-2-2897-8282