The source of water utilized by PAHSCO is supplied by Taiwan Water Corporation. Currently, under the influence of extreme climate conditions, the dry season is becoming increasingly prolonged. To mitigate the risk of water shortages, PAHSCO has implemented several measures, including condensate water recovery, reclaimed water reuse, an increase in the circulation rate of cooling towers, and the recycling of process water, all while ensuring compliance with legal regulations and park specifications. These initiatives have significantly reduced overall water consumption. As of 2023, the water recovery rate has consistently remained above 70%.

With the support of the Water Conservation Guidance Project from the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau in 2020, the water conservation results at the Tongke Plant in 2023 have met all environmental assessment commitments of the science park, resulting in a 20.7% decrease in the overall intensity of tap water usage compared to 2021.
In addition, in order to avoid the impact of wastewater on the community environment, PAHSCO has set up a wastewater treatment monitoring system to control the quality and quantity of wastewater, and appoints qualified testing vendors to conduct wastewater quality test every 6 months and declare the results in accordance with the regulations. In 2023, all wastewater discharged from PAHSCO complied with the discharge standards of the HSPB.
Unit: ton
Year 2021 2022 2023
Tap water consumption (water withdrawal) 59,584 57,754 54,446
Reclaimed water consumption 15,051.5 10,412.5 9,593
Total water consumption 74,635.5 68,166.5 64,039
The intensity of tap water usage is measured in tons per NT$ thousand 0.0295 0.0264 0.0234


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