Unit: NT$ thousand
Month   Operating Revenue Sales Income Profit Before Tax
Amount YoY Amount YoY Amount YoY
Jan 189,996 12.17% 39,892 90.00% 31,915 34.72%
Feb 225,408 61.36% 47,088 913.27% 51,296 323.38%
Mar 210,918 13.14% 51,972 73.71% 59,217 72.13%
Apr 164,015 13.43% 30,426 78.21% 37,301 55.88%
May 209,226 15.22% 46,512 71.73% 41,730 82.26%
Jun 220,151 35.48% 49,814 127.47% 58,078 114.35%
Jul 182,035 2.29% 36,490 5.79% 52,361 28.42%
Aug  195,342 -3.45% 47,140 13.31% 54,508 17.73%
Sep  203,332 0.22%  40,969 17.60%  47,935 -11.45% 
Oct 177,268 -13.42% 31,993 -33.06% 37,118 -33.46%
Nov 173,205 -15.71% 43,005 19.66% 22,959 -12.15%
Dec 169,312 -18.34% 32,713 -14.39% 31,075 -32.78%
Total 2,320,209 6.19% 498,014 40.49% 525,492 27.09%
*Some accounts are not yet audited by our CPAs; therefore, the quarterly financial statements audited (reviewed) by our CPAs are final.

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