Orthopaedic Suction Set
The device is mainly composes of a suction handle with filter, extension tip(s) and a suction tube (if applicable). The device is used for adult population. This product is provided in sterile states. For the claimed shelf life, please refer to the used-by date indicated on label.
Yankaur Suction set
Yankauer Suction Set is mainly composed of a Yankauer suction tip and suction tube. The device is suitable for the general population. This device is provided in sterile state. For the claimed shelf life, please refer to the used-by date indicated on label.
Frazier Suction Tip
Frazier suction tip is an invasive device which is used to aspirate waste fluid. This product is provided in sterile states. For the claimed shelf life, please refer to the used-by date indicated on label.
Suction Wand Holster System
Suction Wand Holster System consisting of clip and holster is intended to hold a suction wand at bedside to help maintain the hygiene. This device is provided in non-sterile and ready to use state. Shelf life of this device is claimed for five years.
Delicate Suction Instrument
Delicate Suction Instrument is composed of an angled aluminum tube with a suction tip, handle, and connector. This device is connected with a suction tube and vacuum system through a connector, and then pointed to the designated part of surgical wound. This device is designed to be applied only for adult population.
Poole's Suction set
Poole's Suction Set is composed of a poole's suction tip and suction tube.